Friday I had a front row seat for a respectable flight of Broad-winged Hawks passing over my yard. In just under 3 hours I counted 227 Broadwings.
I also counted 24 Red-tails.
Lately Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have fueling up on the sugar water from the feeders that I have provided. There had been more sparring than feeding as a fierce competition developed over the rightful ownership of the three feeders that I had in the backyard. But by moving two other feeders from the front yard to the back, tensions lessened to the point where five could feed together in fragile harmony.
Other birds of interest so far this month.....
Purple Finch
Baltimore Oriole
Scarlet Tanager
There have been a few species of warblers (Magnolia, American Redstart and Black-throated Green) also but I have yet to get any blogworthy photos of them.