Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Baby on a Ledge

   On Sunday, at the age of 35 days, the elder of the two Peregrine chicks (we'll call Booger Jr.) left the safety of the nest to look out on the world from 100 feet above the ground.

At this age a young male will start to exercise its wings, which can lead to a gust of wind carrying the rookie flier tumbling to the ground.  

  On Monday morning I searched the ledges and ground below but was unable to locate the bird.  That evening I received a call from one of my work buddies (we'll call Booger Sr.), who told me he found it alive in a dumpster.   I called the Southeast Michigan Peregrine coordinator, Chris Becher, who dispatched Raptor Rehabilitator Dave Hogan to pick up the bird.  Dave told Booger Sr. that the chick looked fine and he would return it to the nest area in a few days when it would be strong enough not to repeat the mishap. 
    Here is the flight path the newbie took to the dumpster.  Note that he missed landing in the water by only a couple of  feet.

Mom watching over Baby on the Ledge

ID tag always on display


Blood on her bill
  With chick #1 out of harm's way, this morning I found its sibling, now 35 days old, had stepped out of the on-deck circle and into the batter's box.  Uh-oh

To be continued......

Monday, June 9, 2014

Peregrine Chicks

  The resident Peregrine Falcons at my work site are once again proud parents this year.  Yesterday, two hours into a 16 hour shift, I was able to photograph the nestlings.   Here is a link to the Canadian Peregrine Foundation's  Daily Development Age Guide.   http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/info/ageguide.html  .
 As close as I can tell the chick in front is about 26 days old and its siblling probably 28 days old.  If you check out the daily changes at the aforementioned link, you'll see how rapidly they progress day-to-day.  In fact, by 37 days they should be ready to fly.  I was tempted to try to photograph them again this morning 14 hrs after this photo was taken to see if they changed overnight.

  Here are some other photos I've taken at work since my last blog post.

Scarlet Tanager
  This next ID is a little tricky but if you read his lips you may get it.

  That's right, it's a Willow Flycatcher, virtually visually indistinguishable from a handful of other genus Empidonax Flycatchers, but the Fitz-bew call confirms the ID.

  Next up is Osprey Air Taxi Service carrying a passenger who has paid dearly.

Will there be an inflight meal?
Pumpkinseed not getting a good view.

Bank Swallows

Common Yellowthroat

Canada Warbler

Mama Peregrine